Privacy Policy.

Dare to Dream Dietetics values the privacy and security of your personal health information and uses standards-compliant secure messaging where possible.
Patients of this practice are required to provide us with personal details, medical histories and reports so that we may provide appropriate dietetic care.

To enable ongoing care, and in keeping with the Privacy Act 1998 and Australian Privacy Principles, our aim is to provide you with sufficient information about how your personal information may be used or disclosed and record your consent or restrictions to this consent. Your personal information will only be used for the purposes for which it was collected or as otherwise permitted by law, and we respect your right to determine how your information is used or disclosed.

By engaging with services at Dare to Dream Dietetics, you (as a patient/parent/guardian) are consenting to the collection of you/your child’s personal information, and that it may be used or disclosed by the practice for the following purposes:

·       Administrative purposes in running our practice.

·       Billing purposes, including compliance with Medicare or NDIS requirements.

·       Follow-up calls, appointment reminder/recall notices via SMS or email

·       Disclosure to others involved in your health care, including treating doctors, surgeons, allied health professionals, NDIS plan managers, NDIS support coordinators and specialists outside this practice. This may occur as written referrals, reports or professional letters to the specified provider.

·       Accreditation and quality assurance activities to improve individual and community health care and practice management.

·       For legal related disclosure as required by a court of law.

·       For the purposes of research only where de-identified information is used.

·       To comply with any legislative or regulatory requirements, e.g Medicare or NDIS compliance


If your Practitioner is concerned about yours or your child’s safety or if you disclose a serious criminal offence. In these instances, your Practitioner is required by law to inform and communicate with relevant professionals. You will be informed if your Practitioner needs to take this.


Family/Carers Policy

If you are attending sessions with a family member/s or carer/s on whom you depend, and you

disclose information likely to be a risk to your health in a private session, your Practitioner has a ‘no

secrets’ policy. Your Practitioner will advise you if information needs to be shared with your

family/carer and support you to share this information with your family/carer yourself.

Your practitioner will always inform you if they need to share critical information with your family/carer if you have been unable to do this yourself. Likewise, if family or a carer provide your Practitioner with information concerning your health, your Practitioner will inform you.

Your Practitioner has a strong preference to ONLY have discussions with family in your presence unless you consent or prefer otherwise.

Please disclose to Dare to Dream Dietetics any carers, guardians or family members in the direct care of the patient who have consent to engage in sessions and with the practitioner. All other parties will not be privy to sessions, information or to have contact with the practitioner regarding the patient.


Telehealth Privacy Policy

Dare to Dream Dietetics operates virtually via telehealth. It is imperative that both the practitioner, client/s and the clients’ family/carers utilise telehealth safely and appropriately, to ensure the privacy and confidentiality for all parties involved.


BY engaging with Dare to Dream Dietetics, you (as a patient/parent/guardian) are agreeing to the following telehealth privacy policies:

·       Both practitioner and client/parent/guardian will be in a private area for the telehealth consult to ensure privacy and confidentiality is upheld

·       Both practitioner and client/parent/guardian will disclose any additional persons who are in the room at the time of the consult

o   These persons can be asked to leave the consult by either party to ensure privacy and confidentiality.

·       Both practitioner and client/parent/guardian will NOT record the session with any device such as with the telehealth platform, voice recorder or other recording device.


Failure to meet the above criteria to protect the privacy and confidentiality of both the practitioner and client/parent/guardian will result in the immediate cessation of service by Dare to Dream Dietetics.



You accept responsibility for payment of invoices for services with Dare to Dream Dietetics. Consultation fees are payable at the time of your appointment and an invoice will be sent out accordingly.


NDIS clients please note: Dare to Dream Dietetics can only accept clients that are Self-Managed or Plan-Managed. We cannot accept clients who are NDIA or "Agency" managed. We will take steps to help you determine if you are eligible to claim our services with NDIS, however you are liable to pay any fees rejected by NDIS.


Private health insurance: If you have private health insurance, you may be eligible to claim from your insurer if your policy includes cover for Dietetics.

Medicare rebates: Medicare rebates are available if your Doctor/GP has provided us an EPC (Enhanced Primary Care) referral and we have accepted this BEFORE booking your appointment.

Medicare and private health rebates are available for Dietetics services. 


Cancellation Policy 

In making your appointment with myself at Dare to Dream Dietetics, I have set aside time specifically for you to discuss your nutrition issues of concern. Please consider that my time is valuable before cancelling, postponing, or non-attendance at your appointment. It is very difficult to fill vacancies at short notice.


At least 48 business hours' notice if you wish to cancel or postpone your appointment without fee, email reminders are sent out 3 business days prior to your scheduled appointment.

Under 48 business hours - the cancellation fee payable is 100% of your appointment fee.

Non - attendance to your appointment- the cancellation fee payable is 100% of your appointment fee. A non-attendance is considered when you do not arrive within 15minutes of your appointment.


For NDIS clients, this policy is also included in your service agreements.  

For Concession and/or bulk billed clients; this fee applies to you however I am unable to bulk bill cancellations or no shows under Medicare. Therefore, you will be charged the standard concession rate of $60 for any cancellations under 48 hours or non-attendances’ to your appointment.


The enforcement of the cancellation policy is subject to the discretion of the practitioner and business manager of Dare to Dream Dietetics.



At all times, we are required to ensure your details are treated with the utmost confidentiality. Your records are very important, and we will take all steps necessary to ensure they remain confidential. Please complete the form below if you understand and agree to the following statements in relation to our use, collection, privacy and disclosure of your patient information:

·       I have read the information above and understand the reasons why my information must be collected, and the purposes for which my information may be used or disclosed by Dare to Dream Dietetics.

·       I understand that if my information is to be used for any purpose other than that set out above, my further consent will be obtained.

·       I acknowledge that there may be risks associated with transmitting personal information via unsecured messaging networks and emails.

·       I give permission for my personal information to be collected, used and disclosed as described above including follow up phone calls and contact via SMS and email.

·       I understand only my relevant personal information will be provided to allow the above actions to be undertaken and I am free to withdraw, alter or restrict my consent at any time by notifying this practice in writing.
I agree to pay all fees associated with my care at the time on consult or as written on the invoice provided.

·       I agree to adhere to the Family/Carers Policy as set out above. 

·       I agree to adhere to the Telehealth Privacy Policy as set out above. 

·       I agree to adhere to the cancellation policy as set out above. 


By Engaging with Dare to Dream Dietetics, you agree to the above policies, terms and conditions.